OK, the time has come to own up, I love maps. So, as you can imagine, I got quite excited when I heard that some new public artwork had been...

In the shade of the city: Leandro Elrich’s map-shaped aluminium canopy artwork

OK, the time has come to own up, I love maps. So, as you can imagine, I got quite excited when I heard that some new public artwork had been installed on Place Marie de Gournay in the nascent "Belvédère" district of Bordeaux, on the right bank of the Garonne, not far from where the Pont Saint-Jean stretches across the river.

The piece is entitled 'La Carte, à l'ombre de la ville' (The map, in the shade of the city) and is the work of Argentinian artist Leandro Erlich. In short, it is a 400-square-metre aluminium canopy held up by 14 five-metre-tall metallic pillars, the contours of which replicate the tree trunks of maritime pines. And, the key selling point is that the artwork is in the shape of a map of the city of Bordeaux, which pleasantly stretches out overhead by looking up, or can also be viewed at ground level when the sun is out!

Initially positioned here in June of 2023 and accessible to the general public since later that year, the public artwork was funded by Fonds Cré’Atlantique, a philanthropic foundation set up by the public real estate developers Bordeaux Euratlantique and local eau de vie/brandy distributors Groupe Bernard. The 20 tons of raw aluminium took on their new shape at the ‘Fusions’ foundry in central France over an 18-month period and when local newspaper Sud Ouest met Leandro Erlich, the artist underlined one of the key messages of the design: “Trees supporting (holding up) the city is a strong symbol in such crucial times for the planet.”

Most importantly, the canopy will physically deliver some much-needed shaded to the residents of this new area, particularly given how this square, despite being surrounded by tall buildings on three of its four sides, will be particularly exposed to la Gironde’s increasingly hot summer sun. Trees have been planted over to one side of the square but the presence of an underground car park has meant that much of the area has had to be left bare of any form of vegetation, almost giving it the raised esplanade yesteryear feel that many associate with the city’s great unloved Mériadeck quarter.

The spookily realistic metallic tree trunks (and some genuine trees in the background).
Don't look up. No, actually, do look up.
Now, I may be mistaken here, but the appearance of this new artwork seems to have gone largely unnoticed by the local population, possibly because the “Belvédère” district has been a gradual development rather than appearing overnight. However, when I shared pictures of the piece on social media, instead of the usual lack of engagement I’ve become so accustomed to, on Facebook at least this post was met with a number of comments and shares from people getting very agitated.

The anger was mainly directed at aspects ranging from the overall absurdity of the installation and the mystifying symbol of metallic tree trunks, to the use of aluminium for the canopy, which admittedly could actually amplify the ambient heat when it gets hot. One follower suggested that, given that aluminium is a good conductor of heat but radiates around 95% of the infrared rays it receives, the place could become an ideal barbecue spot! Before long the comments even segued from constructive criticism to becoming politically-charged… when Invisible Bordeaux’s initial intention was just to share a picture of a ground-level shadow in the shape of a map of the city.

Panel complete with QR code and a bite-sized version of the Bordeaux map.
So, what happens next? Are we looking at a sight that in time will prove unpopular and controversial? Or will it become a place that locals will embrace, congregating and socialising under the giant map, all the while looking up and down to see whether they can spot the distinctive silhouette of the boulevards or some other emblematic street in amongst the metalwork?

One thing that I will say is that whenever passing through the area, I feel there is a definite identikit feel to the buildings that have gone up. For instance, there is nothing especially Bordelais about a view such as this one, the picture could honestly have been taken anywhere in the western world.

London? Paris? New York? Munich? Bordeaux's Belvédère district.

But hey-ho, that’s 21st-century progress. Then again, if progress does also mean producing artwork in the shape of maps, then maybe it’s not all bad. Because did I mention I love maps?

> Find it on the Invisible Bordeaux map: 'La Carte, à l'ombre de la ville', Place Marie de Gournay/Quai Deschamps, Bordeaux.
> And enjoy this informative video providing the background story to the artwork: 

Click here if video does not display properly on your device.

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  Are you visiting Bordeaux over the coming weeks? Or do you already live here but feel you should really be getting out and about and explo...

New Invisible Bordeaux walking tours available as free downloadable PDFs!


Are you visiting Bordeaux over the coming weeks? Or do you already live here but feel you should really be getting out and about and exploring your hometown? Either way, Invisible Bordeaux can help you make the most of the city with these five self-guided walking tours, available as 100% free downloadable PDF guidebooks with detailed maps, explanations and original photography, as well as an optional dedicated Googlemap to help you find your way.

It is no secret that one of the best ways of visiting Bordeaux is, quite simply, on foot. So put on your walking shoes and head over to the dedicated sister bordeauxwalks.blogspot.com website to take in one of the five self-guided walking tours that are on offer in exchange for precisely zero euros and zero personal data!

The five booklets take in Bordeaux's essential landmarks (walk #1), its secret sights (#2), its elegant quarters (#3), its more down-to-earth districts (#4), and the surprising Bastide neighbourhood on the right bank of the Garonne (#5). Each walking tour covers a distance of between 4 and 6 kilometres (i.e. 2 to 3 hours), although there is nothing preventing you from taking a little more time if taking in museums, churches and the like! 

Et tous ces livrets sont également disponibles en français !

So head on over to the Invisible Bordeaux Walks website and get to grips with the city. Enjoy!

Full information and free downloadable PDFs available here: 

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For this new episode of the Invisible Bordeaux podcast, we meet Tanguy Coureau, presenter of the HandiSport Go TV programme on France 3 NoA,...

French-language podcast #19 - Handisport Go TV presenter Tanguy Coureau

For this new episode of the Invisible Bordeaux podcast, we meet Tanguy Coureau, presenter of the HandiSport Go TV programme on France 3 NoA, for Nouvelle-Aquitaine, where he sets out to discover the region's disabled sportsmen and women and their clubs!

This energetic young man will leave you inspired as he truly demonstrates on a daily basis that anything is possible, even when disabled.

He reveals how his media career began as he stepped off a tall ship from Dublin, shares some highlights and behind-the-scenes tales from his shoots with the Grenouilles Productions team, talks about his day job at communications agency NovaSancO, and reveals his feelings at the start of this Paralympic year... all before unveiling his other big creative project for 2024.

You can listen to the podcast below or else over on SpotifyAmazon MusicApple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podbean and RadioPublic! Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so that you never miss an episode! 

Click here if player does not display properly!

Find out more:

Handisport Go on France.tv

Photos courtesy Tanguy Coureau / Grenouilles Productions / France 3 NoA.

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You may remember that a few months ago I sat down and listened to a number of 1970s and 1980s Bordeaux bands as featured on a desirable dou...

Welcome to the Bordeaux Rock 1988-1998 listening party!

You may remember that a few months ago I sat down and listened to a number of 1970s and 1980s Bordeaux bands as featured on a desirable double-CD compilation released by the local music association Bordeaux Rock. Well, it turns out that, around 2006, Bordeaux Rock followed up that first well-received collection with two more twin-CD sets, one celebrating the scene as it stood in 2006, followed by another which rewound back to the artists operating between 1988 and 1998. Once again, I thought it would be interesting to sit down, stick my headphones on, and assess how the well the music had stood the test of time, three decades on.

The package proved promising, featuring disturbing in-your-face artwork by one Caroline Sury, inspiring all-caps introductory notes by Bordeaux Rock lynchpin José Ruiz, and informative mini-biographies of each band (40 in all!). The time capsule was ready to roll, CD 1 was in position, all that remained to be done was to hit "play"!   

Note to younger readers: this is a CD player.
The album opens with the jangly guitars and Velvet Underground overtones of Soap, and the wide sonic expanses of Mary’s Child, both of whom suggesting much of the Bordeaux scene had already moved on from its 1980s fixation with punk to a more grungey indie pop atmosphere. We are four tracks into the compilation before a first French-language song makes an appearance, in the shape of the funky, organ-driven Donald Raccrocha Sans Répondre by Mr Kuriakin, a vehicle for the songs of Paco Rodriguez, who had previously been with moderate hitmakers Gamine. 

I then find it quite heartwarming to hear a track by Charming Boys, a tuneful band who were heavily influenced by The Smiths. In a previous life I may even have been in a group who performed alongside them on a couple of occasions. At the time they were on a bit of a high having recently supported the up-and-coming Blur, and they did rightly gain a solid reputation as a tight live band - if anything the track that features here, What a Way of Life, is little more than a solid live arrangement immortalised on disc. Not sure what became of them but it would have been interesting to hear what they would have achieved if they’d been able to develop into a more highly engineered/produced studio band.  

The accompanying booklet is genuinely interesting to peruse.
Lemon Curd’s strummy offering, Freezin’ Manchester, reminds me a lot of Lloyd Cole or low-key Prefab Sprout. That can be regarded as a compliment! A few tracks down the line, Pimple Shame definitely score points for the best band name so far, Nuer avoid language barriers completely by delivering an instrumental (three of the four musicians are credited as playing sequencers, which is a bit scary), ahead of the energetic Real Atletico also staking a claim to the best band name on the compilation. They apparently featured a mandoline player mysteriously called Pierre "Suspense" Emery. I manage to pick out a bit of his playing deep in the mix and it makes me feel strangely happy. 

There is more pleasingly melodic pop on its way in the shape of Bonjour Chez Vous's Je Veux Être Sous La Mer, complete with heavily chorused arpeggio guitar and twinkly synthbells all very much of their time. It's all very polished and tuneful but comes with an added sense of poignancy upon this listen given the knowledge that singer Thierry Sabir - who later collaborated with the aforementioned Paco Rodriguez in Sitarsonic as well as releasing his own solo album, Apollopop - sadly passed away at the very end of 2023. Rest in peace, Thierry.

Bordeaux’s biggest musical export from that period, Noir Désir, feature next with Un Jour en France from their fourth album. It sounds very big and a class above the rest, but still today it’s difficult to listen to the band without one’s mind wandering back to the life-altering events that took place in 2003. Disc 1 closes with Tortilla Flat, who I am excited to read are reminiscent of XTC and Bowie. Listening to their track Walking, taken from their sole release, a 3-track cassette (different times…), there is indeed a definite hint of Bowie in singer Jérémy Vacances’ vocal delivery… and even a bit of the Silencers in the harmonica lines!    

The second half kicks off with Sleeppers and a hardcore track that feels a bit like being stuck up close to some radical roadworks with no safety earmuffs within easy reach. But I’m already looking forward to the "duo iconoclaste" (in the words of the booklet) coming up on track 4. It’s the (literal) drum’n’bass jazz core pairing of Belly Button, made up of Fred Bourdil and Franck Stofer, both of whom I knew back in their student days. They went on to make a name for themselves as festival favourites around the world. Belly Button actually reformed a few years back but, from what I can make out, Franck is now head of coordination and development at le Grand Palais Immersif in Paris, while Fred remains an active musician living locally, performing as the Fredovitch One-Man Band and collaborating with formations including King Khan & The Shrines and Ardi’town. The track that features here, Mister Hamster, is 1’58’’ of pure energy. I suspect that when they were recording the song they were bare-chested and drenched in sweat, but I may be wrong.

It remains similarly raucous throughout much of disc 2, culminating first in Glu vocalist Pierre Poirier shouting into the mic like there’s no tomorrow, to the backing of fellow band-members Yvon Tutein and Bruno Lacaussague, the latter amusingly credited with "guitare approximative". The liner notes refer to their "textes en français et assumés" as if bands at the time had to almost apologise for singing in French, which goes some way towards explaining why so few tracks on this compilation are in la langue de Molière. This performance is equalled by Petit Vodo, a solo musician who would apparently simultaneously play drums, guitar, sing and throw in occasional harmonica, and reportedly garnered critical acclaim in Japan. 

We’re now up to track 16 and TV Killers' Channel 666 in which I can hear hints of Beastie Boys, but by now it’s all so relentlessly relentless that I’m kind of wishing the album was over so I can switch to some serious easy listening (I have a sudden desire to put on some Carpenters). I finally make it through to the closing track by blues rockers Art 314, described in the liner notes as the "house band" at legendary venue Le Jimmy. It’s almost a relief when their upbeat song, The Race, the title track from their only album, comes to an end. 

The tracklisting in full.

What then is the verdict? Well, for a start, I think this is a compilation that is best enjoyed when dipped into rather than listened to from start to finish. That hair-raising succession of slightly soundalike bands all trying to out-yell each other on disc 2 is certainly something I’m struggling to un-hear, but there were enough melodic rays of light elsewhere to make the set well worth digging out. Another thing that is striking, other than the shortage of French-language lyrics, is how predominantly male the bands are. From what I can make out, only a handful of the featured artists had women in their ranks (Charming Boys, Kim et Marie, Skullduggery, Basement, and Wunderlich Ausgang, I think that's all). It is therefore ironic that the cover artwork should depict a female singer, but perhaps there’s something I’m not quite getting here. 

Still, once again it’s great to be able to travel back in time to explore the local music scene as it was in the 1990s, so fair play to the Bordeaux Rock team for putting the compilation together; it serves as an excellent record of the ways things were, which appear to have been mainly gritty, energetic, raucous at times, but overall quite dark and earnest. Anyway, right now, in order to recover, I’m off to listen to some Carpenters. 

If you would like to purchase and listen to the album yourself, copies are available online from the Bordeaux Rock website, priced €10.
> Join the Bordeaux Rock 1977-87 listening party!
> Ce dossier est également disponible en français ! 

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The Invisible Bordeaux podcast is back after being away for some time! (Hurray!) In this comeback episode, we catch up with Yann Le Cor, bet...

French-language podcast #18 - Yan Le Cor & Enfant Bordeaux

The Invisible Bordeaux podcast is back after being away for some time! (Hurray!) In this comeback episode, we catch up with Yann Le Cor, better known as Papa Yann, the man behind Enfant Bordeaux, which started out as a site listing kid-friendly activities and has developed into a much wider offering including a bona fide guidebook, a label, an active online community, and much more!

Let's get to know about this professional blogger and his quest for events, addresses and tips to pass on to parents! The podcast covers the Enfant Bordeaux philosophy, how Yann became a professional blogger, the breakdown of who his followers are, some memorable encounters, and the reasons why Yann is now seeking to build a network of bloggers who make things happen in Bordeaux!

You can listen to the podcast below or else over on SpotifyAmazon MusicApple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podbean and RadioPublic! Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so that you never miss an episode! 

Click here if player does not display properly!

Find out more:

Enfant Bordeaux website

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